Stew and I have been anticipating the moment when Wesley Grant and Sally met their sister, Karis. I have been praying over their roles with one another and how they will be together...both now as children and in the future as they grow. So we wanted to be intentional about that first meeting. We got each child a gift to symbolize their role with their sister. For wesley grant we got him some knights, symbolizing that he is Karis' protector....and sally got a tea set symbolizing that she is to love and serve Karis.
We chose these roles, based on what we have already seen in our children. In one sense, we were just calling out what our children already are. Wesleygrant is indeed our strong child that protects and speaks out his will. Sally loves to pray and help me around the house. Granted, these skills in time will grow in the "right" way as they are reigned under Jesus and not their own will. But again, we are just hoping to put small encouragements and gently directing our children towards what they were made to do- Glorify God. We pray that both wesleygrant and sally will use their gifts to point Karis to Jesus and in time that Karis will be gracious and help point her older siblings to the very grace of God.
We wrote welseygrant and sally letters with verses exhorting them in the roles we called them to when we presented them with day I pray that when they read those letters, they will find themselves only encouraged in what they are already doing.
That brought tears to my eyes! Wonderfully intentional!! I love it!
I love it!!! That is precious...what a great idea! Sweet Karis is absolutely beautiful!! congrats!!
Congratulations on your newest blessing! This post just really blessed me. It is so encouraging to watch you parent (through your blog). You are both an inspiration to me!
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