But I have to tell you that oddly enough, so much joy came for that day we discovered them. I called my mentor and friend, Cherie...whose family had gone through lice and she came to my aid. She bought me supplies to start the ridding process and she and her daughter came over and walked us through what to do, vacuumed all the bedrooms, sprayed down all the upholstery, and took care of sally while i soaped and combed through wesleygrant's hair...and most importantly gave us a hug and said, "it is going to be okay!"....it doesn't stop there...then college students decided they would take all our laundry to a laundry mat and do it all for me at once! crazy college students! and another experienced one, came over to comb through my hair and make sure it was all gone...still continues...my doorbell rings and some kids want to mow our lawn to serve us. They are from a local church in our neighborhood and were out mowing neighbors lawns...i mean, come on! who gets their lawn mowed while getting rid of lice! By the time stew came to "rescue" me...I told him, "The lawn is mowed, laundry going, house clean, kids resting and my lice almost gone!" Then broke down crying as i realized all the Lord had provided that day! Thank you LORD!!
Well, we ended up shaving wesleygrant's hair off just to make sure it was gone....i cried as stew shaved it....and well, as you can see, i looked like the bride of Frankenstein for a while as i got rid of the little critters myself! So far we are lice free...
Oh, and Sally's room (or should I say, the girls room! we are having another girl! Karis Elizabeth) is almost done...we just have to paint the ceiling white. It is a girly pink room and she is proud of her new little girl bed!! She is growing up too fast these past few months! Her brother and her do everything together!! My little kiddos...I couldn't imagine life without them!!
That's all for now....big week...a few entries and pics...hope you enjoy!!