Friday, August 8, 2008

Baby Karis

6 weeks old and 10lbs!

Karis continues to grow and become her part in our family! She is more awake and the kids love to hold her. Many have asked how the "transition to 3" has been....depends on who you ask...but I would say much easier than 2 was....i don't really know why. perhaps the experience or just once you have "crazy"...adding more "crazy" doesn't really change anything. =) Stew would say it has been harder, but that is b/c this is the first time he has to take care of 2 kiddos. He is having the "transition of 2" while I am the 3. So, I guess either way, we prove that 2 is a little harder to adjust than 3 has been. But even though each day is new discoveries, we really can't remember our life without Karis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more...the transition to 3 is waaaayyyy easier than the transition to 2. Yippeee for three!!!!!