Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fighting for the Next Generation: Passing on and Leaving behind

My children are currently going through new stages...all of them!...all at once! home has been quite full of activity...but not so sure it has been full of everything that I would want to pass along...I've never been in a place where all of them are going through a new stage and need me so much...

WesleyGrant is so creative and he constantly wants to create....he is also in a "complaining and arguing stage" of those alone, needs much attention!

Sally is a little lady indeed talking much and discovering ways to help me all over the it! but it calls for attention....especially when she wants to pour water on the bathroom floor to clean it....and she has also discovered how to be cute and cry for everything she wants...needs my training!....oh dear!!

Karis still is quite dependant on me....but she is beginning independant with each new day...crawling everywhere and almost walking....she is mobile and has opinions now! screaming when anyone takes her favorite babydoll...gracious!

As each child has gone through a new stage, it requires more attention, more focus for also exposes my weaknesses and i am reminded that this parenting thing is not about my strength, but His.

One of the things i discover and rediscover as we pass through new stages is what I want to pass along to them and what I want to leave behind. As God redeems my failures as a parent, He shows me the things so beautiful that can be passed along to the next generation! I thought I'd share some we've adopted in our home...not exhausting them of course....

Passing On- Family Traditions
Leaving behind- Individualism

Passing On-WorldView through the Gospel
Leaving Behind-WorldView through man-centeredness

Passing On-I love you
Leaving Behind-Silence/Assumption

Passing On-Failures are okay
Leaving Behind-You control everything

Passing On-Trust Jesus
Leaving Behind-Worry

Passing On-You are just like the Poor
Leaving Behind-There are no Poor

Passing On-I was wrong/Forgiveness
Leaving Behind-Anger & Bitterness

Passing On-World outside of America
Leaving Behind-World is America

Passing On-Security in Christ
Leaving Behind-Security in Money

Passing On-Others are first
Leaving Behind-Others are Second

Passing On-Acceptance of Suffering
Leaving Behind-Comfort is true life

Passing On-Courage is trusting YAWEH
Leaving Behind-Safety is in your hands

Passing On-We are sinners
Leaving Behind-We are good

Passing On-Jesus is way, truth & life
Leaving Behind-Your way is truth & life

I'd love for any of you to share something that you guys are passing on or leaving behind for the next generation....I'll post them all....

More later....


Suzanne Barrett said...

L.O.V.E this Kimberly!

Melinda said...

thanks for the encouragement to think on this. love it!!

Spirit of Adoption said...

I absolutely LOVE how you put all of this into words. Amen again! : )

Erin said...

Hey, girl! Even reading the words that WG has been going through an arguing/complaining stage reminded me that I am NOT alone. Seeking Jesus, navigating, and trusting the Lord for wisdom, and trying to TRAIN...shew! Love you, girl!