Hebrews 12:28
“Therefore, since we are receiving a
kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God
acceptably with reverence and awe”
The sun is shining through my window this morning as I
wake. The faithfulness of God is more
evident to me this morning than I have noticed in past mornings. I get up and breathe… “Lord, help me finish
Today is the day before I leave to visit my son in
Haiti. Today is the day that ends the
“Week before I leave”. Tomorrow will be
my ninth trip to visit my son. The “week
before we leave” has been faithfully painful in different ways since we began
our journey between these two countries 2 years ago. Tomorrow will be my 9th
trip to see my son who I long for daily, but also to leave him again. Tomorrow
will be my 9th trip to bring my son a part of his future, but also
to speak of the future that is not fully clear yet. Tomorrow will be my 9th trip to
leave my worries here alone, but also to leave my 3 other children behind.
Tomorrow I will walk ahead into this journey that has been both glorious and
devastating all at the same time.
The “week before I leave” has always given me a fight. I am one that will make lists and plan…take
notice of what is ahead and anticipate all of my needs! What I can not do is
anticipate everything that will interrupt those plans to sabotage my entire
goals of finishing the way I wanted to.
I have many things lined out in my mind that that tell me, “Once this
happens, you will be okay to go…okay to leave.”
Leaving is never something my mind, heart or body can fully
embrace without concerns. Fears and
anxiety come from the underlying knowledge that it’s impossible for everything
to be ‘okay’ when it comes to leaving. I
have a list: for the grocery store, for the packing bag, for the time with kids
before we leave, for the things to do before we leave, for the bills to pay and
the mail to send off. I think if these
lists get done, then I will be okay.
But every day of that “week before we leave”, I am
shaken. Every list, every need within my
family, every road to accomplishment meets an obstacle that shakes my trust
that things will “be okay”. I am like a
soda can that is shaken causing bubbles to erupt and give pressure…leaving me
to spew everything that has risen up in me due to the shaking of these
Almost always I yield to arrogance and attempt to control my
week. The irony is that this attempt
almost kills me every time. I go into
distress because I can’t get to the store because someone gets sick or our car
breaks down. I don’t account for the
normal emotional drama and parenting that has to continue despite my stress or
to do lists. My attempt to control only
yields fruit of anger, bitterness and blaming everyone.
As I am shaken by this “week before leaving”, I am reminded
that I am not all knowing. I do not hold
all things together. I do not rule time
and providences. I do not know what I need.
I cannot live on my own. I am
broken, meant to be shaken, so that I can see that I need my faithful and
loving Father who is God of all of these things.
My God is at work. And
I have been adopted into His kingdom that cannot be shaken to destruction. He says that He will work all things for my
good, to His glory even when I don’t know what that practically looks like.
I begin this last day of this “week before leaving”, that has
been one of the hardest weeks out of the 9 times leaving, taking a new
breath. I see Him. Despite all of the darkness that the week has
seemed to give, the sun still comes up.
My God is faithful and is my help.
Nothing will be okay if I act as god and seek to help myself. But I know that everything will be okay
because my God is indeed my help and it is my prayer that I will finish in this
truth today.
So as we walk in this month of thanksgiving, I am thankful
for the shaking that happens to me in my adoption journey. It testifies that I am not God, but that I
need Him desperately. It testifies that
I am a part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken and for that I am thankful and
in awe of my LORD who has once again shown himself faithful. I will leave tomorrow and everything will be
1 comment:
What an awesome truth and perspective. Could we feature this on We Are Grafted In? We can use your bio and pic from before. Just let me know!
co-administrator of WAGI
smurphy28 @ juno. com
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