Friday, April 25, 2008

A Girly Morning...

SO, i never thought i would be painting my 22 month old's toes, but this morning brought that opportunity. I was doing my own "home pedicure" and sally came up watching me with great curiosity....quietly she watched until i was all done, then she said, "Sally's toes?" How could i resist! So, Sally got the royal treatment and i can't believe how still she was. She LOVED it. I never knew how fun that would be for me, but it was. I believe that Sally is more of a girl than i am. I told Sally she can thank her "Aunt Leslie" who taught her mommy in college all about Pedicures and all that girly stuff! Thanks "Aunt Leslie"! I'm training up my girls for your boys one day!

1 comment:

Brad, Leslie, Caleb and Jacob said...

Now that is one proud moment for me! So ironic that God did not choose to give me a little girl and yet my girly ways have been passed down to little Sally through my "little sis" (you). That is a full-circle moment right there. :)